NEOCloud Data Center: Empowering Novi Sad with Cutting-Edge Technology

NEO Cloud is at the forefront of technological innovation, establishing Novi Sad's first cloud data center, NEOplanta. Our facility is a testament to modern engineering, constructed to meet the rigorous Tier 3 standards, ensuring high availability and reliability for our clients' critical infrastructure.

Comprehensive Cloud Services Offered by NEOcloud

At NEOcloud, we provide an extensive array of cloud services tailored to support the evolving needs of businesses:

  • Cloud Storage: Secure, scalable storage solutions designed to protect and manage your data with ease.
  • Cloud-Based Applications: A diverse portfolio of applications hosted in the cloud, ensuring flexibility and seamless access for your operations.
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Customizable and scalable infrastructure solutions that empower you to deploy, manage, and scale virtualized resources efficiently.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): Streamlined platform solutions that facilitate the development, execution, and management of applications, eliminating the complexity of maintaining underlying infrastructure.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): Accessible software applications delivered over the internet, offering a cost-effective and convenient approach to utilizing essential business tools without the need for installation or maintenance.

Discover more about our advanced cloud solutions by visiting our website: